Chinese Couple Adopts a Chinese Baby Gotcha Day

arriving in Hefei for our gotcha day

Our train pulled into Hefei and nosotros were struck with miles after miles of apartment buildings.  Non but 5 story buildings, skyscrapers.  Miles of them.  Quincy's boondocks was larger than we could have imagined and the smog brume prevented us from seeing the sun.  It's known as the "smog city" and located in the Anhui Province of the People's Republic of China.

We arrived Sunday afternoon, June 9th.  Nosotros stepped off the train with our three kids, v pieces of luggage, a stroller (and what felt similar a partridge and pear tree) and somehow navigated the hundreds of people and downwardly the escalator unscathed. We plant our guide and hopped into the van to head to our hotel.  We were finally in Quincy's province and tomorrow, June 10th, was Gotcha solar day!

hotel crib for adopted child

When we walked into our hotel room there was a tiny crib in the corner.  It was hard to believe.  This was it, tomorrow we would become our son.

signing adoption paperwork

The kids stretched out in their adjoining room while we chatted with our guide about what the next twenty-four hour period would look like. He went through all the scenarios of what Quincy might exercise when handed to the states and what we should focus on in the first 24 hours.  Then, we signed all the preliminary adoption paperwork.  If we weren't nervous earlier, our hearts were racing a mile a infinitesimal at this point.

Our guide headed out, we unpacked and grabbed a quick bite to eat (pregnant the kids were not a fan of the noodles then they literally ate a bite) in the hotel noodle eating house before calling it a night.  We somehow slept, not great, but we did slumber.  We were So nervous.  It'south hard to explicate but we were walking into unknown territory.  We felt the prayers of those back dwelling house and nosotros knew God had led us to this point then it was "go fourth dimension".

Thankfully, our gotcha mean solar day time was in the morning time so we didn't accept to sit effectually all day and expect.  We got up and went to the top flooring for breakfast.  Every hotel they booked for us had a western breakfast buffet so we tried to eat despite all the nervous butterflies and also met the other adoptive family unit that would exist joining usa.  It was such a comfort to be with some other American family.  Nosotros could share in the nerves and excitement together.  Having them there felt similar a piece of "home" was with us.

adoption gotcha day selfie

Around viii:30 AM, we packed up the diaper purse full of snacks, little toys and the gifts we had brought for Quincy.  A soft navy blue coating from Nana, a plush football from Solon, a little play telephone from Vera and a modest stuffed rabbit from Lucy.  Nosotros hopped in the van and off nosotros went through the streets of Hefei to the government affairs building.

The building itself didn't look like a regime affairs edifice, it was but in a row of other buildings forth the street.  We hopped off the charabanc and followed the guide through the non-descript front end door.  The only indication we were in a government building was two guards at the entrance who nodded at us as nosotros walked in.  We rode up to the floor that handled marriage and adoption certificates and they filed us into this room with a large boardroom like table and chairs.

In that location our guide instructed the states to exit all the paperwork we had brought with u.s. from the United States while our kids played on iPads and we waited for Quincy to make it.  Shortly before ix am, our guide got a phone call from Quincy's orphanage letting him know they would be delayed considering Quincy wasn't feeling well.  I didn't recollect much of it other than the fact nosotros would have to await a little longer.

Meanwhile, nosotros got to witness two other families to welcome their children.  Both of those children were older and ane little boy was adopted past a Spanish family.  It broke my heart as tears trickled down his face, he was so scared as he cried out for his nanny.  Adoption is born from brokenness.  Meanwhile, we tried to remain at-home and prepped Solon with our DSLR photographic camera and Vera with my iPhone to snap photos and videos when Quincy arrived.

I'll never forget the moment he arrived, the door opened and there he was.  His nanny walked in and he simply looked then somber and sober.  I reached out for him and he came to me.  He was warm and collapsed against my trunk.  We introduced him to the kids and to Scott while our guide handled the paperwork.  He but stared at us with his deep brown eyes.

At one point, I looked up while holding him to run into a pile of medication on the table.  I thought to myself, "someone must be quite ill, that's a lot of medicine."  Well most 10 minutes afterward, I realized all that medicine was for Quincy.  He wasn't just under the weather, he had a high fever and a respiratory infection.

adoption day adoptive mom

Our guide started to get over all the Chinese medicines and how to dose them.  Some we would take to mix with h2o, others we would accept to grind up and identify under his tongue.  Scott furiously took notes as my mommy heart started to feel really anxious.  I missed our American healthcare system, I was scared.  Our guide translated other pertinent information to Scott similar Quincy's schedule and that he took 5 bottles a 24-hour interval and had two snacks.  He didn't "eat" much food.

gotcha day

We finished up the paperwork and had our official adoption photo taken.  Unfortunately, since I was so anxious virtually Quincy'southward wellness, my one regret is we didn't get any family photos beside a quick selfie on his gotcha twenty-four hour period.  We packed upwards all of our things after the paperwork was completed and loaded into the van to head back to the hotel for the rest of the day.

Since the orphanage didn't send whatsoever formula or bottles with him, nosotros asked our guide to help Scott locate that.  Our guide, Scott and the other adoptive begetter left the states at the hotel and walked virtually xv minutes to the nearest mall to grab essential supplies and food at the grocery store.

The kids and I took Quincy upstairs and snuggled him.  He didn't take much interest in also much since he didn't feel well merely the kids did go a couple of coos out of him with the stacking cups we had brought along.  After Scott got back and our guide gave us instructions on how to brand the canteen (ii scoopfuls of rice cereal along with the formula).  Nosotros tried to get him to drink with not much luck.

We spent the rest of the day nursing his high fever and praying fervently that he would exist okay.  By the end of the day, nosotros were all mentally and physically exhausted.  Since Quincy was sick, we didn't want to exit the hotel for dinner, and then we reached out to the front end desk-bound to help us order a pizza.  Thankfully, the did and delivered 2 pizzas to our room ;).  We saturday on the flooring of the hotel room, utterly exhausted from the day, for a carpeting picnic.  Pizza never tasted so skillful.

gotcha day matching pajamas

We dressed everyone in the matching pajamas my sis got the kids shortly after and got Quincy tucked into bed, he hadn't really napped combined with feeling ill, he was exhausted.  We were tired too.  What a day.  A twenty-four hour period nosotros will never forget.  The day Quincy James became our son.  Our gotcha day.  It didn't get quite every bit we expected but nosotros had a lifetime alee of u.s.!  Our family was complete and our long-prayed-for son was in our arms.  Information technology was surreal!

If you are just getting caught upwards on our adoption story, you can catch upwards on some of the waiting processin these posts –

Cathay Adoption Trip Part 1

Adoption Declaration

Adoption Process Part i

Adoption Procedure Role ii

Adoption Process Part iii

Adoption FAQ

Until side by side time, proceed on keeping on with a simple purposeful life.

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